Wednesday, November 10, 2010

SoMe DaYs

Some days go by and you may feel as if you have nothing to say.  That has not been the case with me lately.  However, exhaustion is another issue in my world.  When you have regular things that need to be done, taking time out to type a bit seems like an impossibility. 

I am not that speedy of a typist. 

In trying to remember what I have been up to, I have been busy either traveling with Jason while he works, or recovering from the traveling.  I’ve got a friend whom I’d really like to see, so far this seems to be eluding me.  Hopefully it will be different later today, but since I am still up at 4am I am guessing that may get pushed off to yet another day. 

I’ve been in bed again for days unable to sit up, today I finally was able to start sitting up, tonight it is easier to move around, and tomorrow should be even better.  If only I could sleep.  What ever I did I did to much.  My body was sure mad at me.  I hate that.

I am guessing I lost more weight again from this ordeal, however I seem to be eating well enough again now.  I hate staring at the ceiling, I could really use a bath.  Frustrating as lying on my back really doesn’t even allow much typing to be done.  But I did get a couple of Netflix movies watched,  I was also able to learn some more Photoshop ideas and even some more picture taking ideas. 

Not being able to sit up doesn’t really bode well for the painting department, hopefully I will be able to finish what I have started with that.  I think I have more ideas than ability to complete them at this time.  I suppose that is a good thing.  It is never fun to be bored. 

Jason has been working like crazy.  I am grateful for that as it makes paying for things so much easier.  It would be nice to have him home more, but then he’d just be fiddling around worrying about me.  I guess it is good that he is busy with other things! 

I guess the weather has been pretty nice outside lately, I don’t really know, I’ve been watching the sun shining on everything, and the birds seem happy enough, so that is good.  We did get some new bird food, I am hoping that they love it and will hang around more.  Lately it seems that our food is not the favorite as they are only spending short amounts of time on our feeder.  Which costs us less I am sure, but I do enjoy looking at them when they decide to perch around here.

Well that is all for now, my arms are tired.  I think writing may just have turned my sleepy brain on and I can now get some sleep.

5 hours til he wakes me up!  Fingers crossed I will be able to see my friend!


Pink Doberman

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