Monday, December 21, 2009


So each day goes on regardless if you are ready to go or not.  If you are not then you just miss the day, never to get it back.

I wish you could start out your days with your exact amount in hand.  Choosing to spend them as you wished. 

Days that are sufferable you could just take a pass on them knowing that you were going to choose to spend your day token on a day that would produce better results. 

In effect that is what I do I guess.  Except for the token part and the it not counting when you can’t participate.

I’ve been picking and choosing what to do and what not to do.  It is my usual routine since the accident.  I used to do everything, cram it all in!  It was lovely! 

These days, I do my best to figure out what is the most important, what has to be finished, or what needs to be started, so that I can get it finished. 

I start on things much earlier than I normally would have.  What used to take me an hour may now take me 3-5.  Some things, like getting ready, can take as little as 40-50 minutes… or as long as a couple of hours if it is a bath/shower day. 

I’ve been lucky to have been able to go to PT regularly for the past six plus months.  I am needing to take a break again to recover from some extra medical bills.  So we won’t be spending the gas on driving the additional 70 miles each day. 

Once things are caught up, I plan to get right back at it.  It works out I suppose, with the weather and roads being crappy anyway, it isn’t the best time for me to be out and about. 

Luka’s feet have been a disaster!  One is still completely ripped open, and the other still has a larger than I’d like sore.  So until those things are healed up as well, he won’t be available for accompanying me either.   

I don’t even walk out to get the mail.  I just patiently wait for Jason to get it when ever he would be coming home.  But the fun thing is, when a box comes too, they bring it all up to my door!  So I get to open it sooner!  THANK GOODNESS for Christmas presents and Delivery Boxes!!   Woot!

On another note: I did set myself up to have some projects to finish during this time.  Winter being here I go out less anyway since the accident.  The weather changes seem to be more significant and mess me up more too.  I am medicated yet again.  Gotta love that!  I can’t wait for this to end! 

I did finish part of a project that I’ve been working on.  I finished part of it enough to get it in the mail to the intended recipient.  I got it wrapped up super cute too!  I finished it late on Friday night.  It had to be in the post by 10:30 the following morning. 

I coordinated with Jason that on his way home he’d need to stop and get the list of groceries I’d texted him.  Then he couldn’t dilly dally because I needed him home to finish things up for me.  I knew it would be out of my hands and I was so so right!

I had gotten all of the mail that I had yet to get to the post ready.  Bills, and a few packages!  I wish I’d taken pictures of another project that I did for my niece but.  Hey.  I am not perfect! 

Anyway the gift of the moment, was done, I had found an appropriate sized box for it.  It could be the one it came in… (misleading or leading hint)  

Misleading hint…. It doesn’t contain what they box says that it does… 

It was addressed and ready to go except for some stuffing and the tape. 

ONE THING… Jason had taken the camera with him to work.. I couldn’t get a shot of it.  He’d have to arrive home in time to do it in the morning. 

He came in to wake me up for clarification on my instructions…  I muttered and mumbled what I needed done.  He laid with me for a bit helped me to take some medication and with that I was back out again.

He took pictures!  He took fabulously glorious pictures of my special gift!  Look what he did!  These are so much better than I could have ever done!  Thanks Honey!


New Camera 524

New Camera 528

New Camera 531

New Camera 530

Jason even fluffed my ribbon as instructed before taking the shots!  Wow, he did the most excellent job!  To my credit, I did make what is inside… and I did creatively wrap the gift.  But WoW oh WoW did he get some good pictures of it!

I cannot share with you who gets this at least not yet!  They have yet to receive it and it would totally blow the surprise if I leaked it here! 

But if by chance you should get a box from me in the mail, well, I suggest that you open it! 

You will definitely need to open it before the Christmas Holiday springs into action!  Surprise!! 

Excited and Blessed,

Pink Doberman!

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