Monday, May 3, 2010


A good night.  It was just the perfect night for a wedding party.  It was a lovely reception.  I am so glad that Jason and I were able to attend.  We hung out with friends, wished our friends the newly married couple the best and might I just add they looked just magnificent.

I really can't say enough about the reception in the Omaha Mansion.  It was lovely and beautiful, classy, and fun.  Jason ended up having a great time.. (he just loves social events.  Actually he does not mind them except that he feels out of sorts. Give my husband a fire jacket and a helmet and hose and he will be all set.)

We had a great night!  I think our friends did too.  The one thing I wish is that I could have gone through out the mansion and looked at all of the rooms.  What I did see of it was just splendid!  I ended up sitting down the entire night visiting and socializing.  Jason ran back and forth to the buffet tables  to get us food.  I seemed to be starving!  I ate everything in sight.  I loved the chocolate covered strawberries for sure.

The night I am sure went off with out a hitch!  I even got to use my signing skills a bit.  They are completely rusty and in need of shaking out.  It was nice none the less.  I was happy with that for sure.

I had a wonderful time.  I am also no apparent worse for wear!  It is a busy month.  I hope I can make it through with some grace and dignity!

Blessings I hope you've had something that fills your heart happen to you this week!  I am quite grateful!

Pink Doberman

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