Tuesday, April 6, 2010

GaRdEn ?? uNkNoWn..

I have got the gardening blues.  You see I swore by now that I would have ordered my seeds and plants.  Or have started things inside the house from seed to grow.  But none of the above has happened. 

This year has been pretty close to the belt so far.  I do have a few old seeds.  Which I will be planting.  You never know, Right?? 

I had planned what I was going to do all winter.  I have frustration.  I need to grow things so we can afford to feed Luka... his diet is cost prohibitive.  At the same time we need to feed ourselves.. who would have thought this is where we'd be right now. 

I know that things will always find a way to happen.  God is good and provides what I have always needed.  I should just stop worrying.  But the doubt and fear sometimes creep in. 

Gardening while not easy for me to do, it gives me a reason to get out of the house and at least get the water turned on and off for the plants.  Other days, when I can do more, that is even better!  I really love digging in the dirt.  Planting season is only 15 days away..

My garden..  See pictures from the past!

Here are some more memories...

Here is a blog that I have found that features Gluten Free Recipes.  While I have yet to try these I am enjoying reading about them.  So for those of you that have some allergies or in-tolerances, or just wanting some variety, check this cute blog out!

Some more neat Etsy things..


This would be pretty in my friends home for fall..

Dog Vests.. this Etsy shop makes things for dogs!  How cool!

There is this little mini!  I'd wear leggings with it personally!

So we have a couple of doves in our yard.  Which is pretty cool.  They love each other and are usually near to each other.  It is fun to watch.

Well, here I am realizing that a garden of some sort will come to pass.  Just going to fly by the seat of my pants on this one. 

I know that blessings come in all shapes and sizes.

Speaking of blessings, I hope that you had a wonderful Easter filled with family and great food. 

Pink Doberman

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