Friday, July 30, 2010

ThE PrOcLaiMaTiOn..

Great things!  I had an awesome time yesterday after therapy!  It did manage to wear me out and I did end up with a migraine this morning.  But all things considered it was so worth it.  Yesterday and today I have been taking more Free online classes from  I am learning how to do a better job with things on my computer!

These things are way over my head, but I do catch bits and pieces.  I don’t have the latest software to follow along with or an existing knowledge base to rely on but I am picking up helpful tips and cannot wait to practice what I’ve been learning.  Besides, in this changing world, no one knows everything anyway.  If I keep working at it I believe I will soon be proficient!  And that would be cool!

Besides these online courses don’t have tests!  And they are keeping my brain hyper active!  Which can be wonderful, but in the case of letting Jason sleep last night it was very bad.  Poor guy.  I’ve got to do better… 

I am not going for a walk today, but the past two days Luka and I have gone for a walk!  It’s been great!  Today is our day of rest!  Luka is sacked out also.  So we make a good team. 

I just had someone call me on the phone today as well!  Another person in Nebraska with a Service Dog also.  That makes 3 of us and 2 in training that I know of.  We are each scattered about, so it makes things interesting.  I think I am even going to get to meet her and her Tay!..

I’ve been keeping something a bit of a secret.  Actually I have lots of secrets, some things are not meant to be posted online you know..   But this one is meant to be shared!  I’ve been waiting for the right time to share.. If I wait any longer.. well it will soon be old news! 

Da Da Daaaa! 


National Assistance Dog Week is August 8-14, 2010

I will also be getting a Govenorial Proclamation in the State of Nebraska for the week as well!  I get to go to the signing of the proclamation and everything!  You can too!   Here are the details of the signing at the State Capitol of Nebraska!!  I was inspired to start this process to help keep the reforms going for laws and awareness for those with Service/Assistance Dogs. 

So a while back I gathered the needed information and submitted it to the Governors' office!  Pretty cool!  I’ve never done anything like this before and am thrilled to help create a better understanding and awareness of these issues! 

In addition to this the Federal Government has released new laws regarding Service Animals!  My blogging friend posted the Federal Law changes to her blog!  Please click here to read how the Federal American’s with Disabilities Act has changed regarding Service/Assistance Animals!

She even has a link to the whole Federal ADA change site..  I went there and thought I’d print out these few pages… I don’t suggest this.. about 150 printed pages later.. YEEKS!!! 

But if you are up for an informational and enlightening read, I highly suggest it!  I’ve read allot of it now.  Oi Vei..

Hands are causing problems again.. taking a break..

Phew back again..

So you are welcome to check out with my infamous TV interview.  Alicia Myers interviewed me about having Luka as my Service Dog and how that all works..

You can also check out the speech I gave at the last session of the Nebraska Legislature’s committee who overseas changing Service Dog Laws in Nebraska..  Please note the rules regarding the Federal Law that say essentially the state cannot limit these laws they can only provide enhancement for them.


So while this post started out about my day.  I’ve been DYING to tell everyone about the coolest thing.. The Proclamation!  How fun is that, Seriously!  I even have my great friend giving me a ride!  Other Service/Assistance Dog teams will be there also!  Can you stand it!  I get to meet some more folks who get around similarly to me! 

So at any rate, now that I’ve filled your head with all sorts of things.  I appreciate you getting this far and checking this stuff out! 


Pink Doberman

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