Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A pReTtY GrEaT DaY!

I've started to feel better.  It has been many days now and I am starting to feel better.  I hope I can start to do more.  I have a sinking feeling that I need another set.. but fingers crossed this will do the trick for a while. 

Today was nice though.. I did a couple things around the house finally.. Not much but something.  I got a package ready to mail.. I hope to have more to mail soon too! 

I also had a surprise visitor, which was super.  My surprise visitor went to the store and filled my fridge with all sorts of goodies!  Which was super, because Jason just hadn't had the energy/time to get it all done.  I now have some more cherries and grapes and pickles..  other things too..

It was also nice to have a visitor.  Since Jason is pretty busy these days, it was nice to have someone to break up the monotony of the day. 

So while I am writing this sitting up still in bed.. but sitting up.  I am happy.  Luka is curled up here and we are watching Home Makeover.  I love watching dreams come true. 

Today was a pretty great day!  Hope yours was too!

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