Saturday, June 19, 2010

PiNkDoBeRmAn iS oN TwiTTeR =)

So I am working on updating things around here.  I finally have posted a picture of myself on my blogging profile.  I have also updated what was written there to better reflect the situation.  I am trying to figure out what else to do as well..  I am mid process shall we say.

One other thing, if you are so inclined you may also decide you'd like to follow me on Twitter.  I am rather new to tweeting but I have been reading up on it so not to be a total twit.

You can find me on Twitter:  PinkDoberman

I am finding twitter to be a great place to learn about things!  So that is my two cent plug for Tweeting on Twitter.

I have gotten the good news I was hoping for so now it is just a waiting game until the actual procedure happens.  I am counting down the days.  As I hate taking all of this medication and I hate all of this pain.  I also hate not being able to sit up.  I want to be up and moving.  I have only been able to drive the car downtown one time this whole year!  I so want to be able to move my head again.

That will hopefully happen soon!  I can't wait!  I hate feeling like this it does bring back the memories of how I ended up this way.  My car accident.  Ugg.  I was this way for YEARS!  Until the Radio Frequency Solution was finally figured out. 

It has not been until recently that Ehlers Danlos Hypermobility Syndrome was being told to me for the reason I was never going to get better like other people do.  Three medical professionals have agreed that I need to go to a geneticist.  I have the appointment, and then I hope to find some doctors that are more "expert" in dealing with this.  I am hoping that I only have the Hypermobile version.  I have already been poked positioned pulled, etc in ascertaining this.  I wonder if I couldn't just make a video of myself doing all of these contorted things and then be done with it.  So I don't have to go around stretching my parts more.  I understand that that is bad for me to do.

In Fact there is an opportunity to support people with EDS by clicking!  There is a contest for money to benefit a non profit group.  So far The Ehlers Danlos Network is in the top percentage of those to get the funds.  More votes are needed.  The contest goes until July 15, 2010 or so.  Click to go to the page anyway even if you are reading this post after that date.  It will connect you with The Ehlers Danlos Network and you can learn more about EDS there as well!

I hope this makes sense.  Per usual I am writing this in pain and on medication.  Lately I have had particular difficulty gathering my thoughts.  So frustrating.

At any rate I am proud of myself for getting this post finished.

Hope your day is going great!  I am counting down the days until I get my Radio Frequency Procedure.

Possibilities Abound!

Pink Doberman

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